Unknown Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I've been painting a "painting a week" for a year now and I think it has really improved my paintings. I'm not ready to take on the challenge of a "painting a day" like so many artists but I wanted to share why I think doing a painting a week has been valuable for me for those artists out there that are thinking of taking on a painting challenge.

1) I am more likely to take risks with a painting because I know that if it doesn't turn out the way that I want, there will be another chance to correct my mistakes on the next painting, next week. Each painting is less "precious" to me and I don't agonize about trying something new.

2) If I decide to do a series (I'm working on one now but won't post the paintings until the series is finished), I know that it will be possible to complete it within a reasonable period of time. The one I'm working on now is an idea that I originally thought of in 1995. Because I wasn't painting consistently, I lost my momentum.

3) My energy and excitement levels stays high. I love when I can't decide which medium to use for a subject because so many of them would be fun.

4) By keeping painting and art at the forefront of my daily thoughts, I feel that I am moving forward in my artistic career. It has motivated me to enter contests and contact art galleries where before I would say to myself, "well, maybe next year I'll be ready to do that".

5) Blogging is fun! I look forward to posting my paintings each week and am thrilled when I get comments from viewers.

As I enter my second year as a "weekly painter" I plan to push myself even more and hopefully you will all see some really exciting paintings and explorations.
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