The wrong place at the wrong time

Unknown Monday, September 21, 2009
A few days ago, at the last minute, I decided to go out for a run instead of going to the the gym. It was a beautiful day so I thought a nice run along the water to the bridge and back would be the perfect solution to my stress...

As I came up over the knoll, I saw movement in front of me and as I got closer I realized it was a woodchuck wandering blindly along the running path throwing its head from side to side. As I looked closer, I could see this woodchuck had his head stuck into a Mason jar. My first thought was, "oh my god, this poor creature and I have got to help him".

So, I grabbed the jar, which was plastic, and started to pull thinking it would pop right off. I pulled and pulled, but it wouldn't budge. I actually lifted the woodchuck off the ground (see illustration above) as I continued to try to pry this jar off his head. I shook him up and down a bit, but still, it wouldn't budge. Other people were running, biking and walking past me as I was trying to free this poor woodchuck from his "Mason jar hell". Clearly no one else was going to help me. I was on my own...
I then thought I could twist the jar off his head (see above). So, I grabbed the jar, turned to the right, then to the left, but again, I could not get this jar off his head. It was stuck!!! With tears in my eyes, I finally had to say "I have tried my hardest, but I can't help you".  Reluctantly I left him and ran home. Jerry tried to make me feel better by saying he would find a way to get it off, "like Winnie the Pooh", I said?  I know, I know, but I wanted to believe he would find a way.

I told all my friends about this incident and some said "you could have been scratched or bitten". Bitten? I don't think so...hello, he had a jar on his head! Then others said "like Winnie the Pooh?" and all I could say was "well, sort of"...

Such a sad little story that I don't even know why I sketched and posted it. I wish I had gone to the gym.
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