Every Day in May—EDM #27 and #28

Unknown Friday, May 28, 2010

EDM #28 Draw anything you like. I couldn't get inspired by any of the appliances around the villa so I did this "buah naga" "dragon fruit" that I had picked up at the market the other day.

EDM #27 Draw a book. I can't survive here without this Indonesian/English dictionary. Our villa is a busy place and I am usually running around communicating in my "pigeon pantomime English/Indonesian" with many of the people who are working on something around here. Like yesterday, I knew that buah-buahan is the noun for fruit but I had to look up "naga" which means "dragon" when Maria told me I was drawing a buah naga for EDM # 28. Because I spent the past few months in the USA my Indonesian has suffered—Saya lupa banyak (I forgot a lot).

"Getting Stoned with Savages" by J. Maarten Troost is a wonderful book about an expat who spends some time on Vanatu and Fiji drinking kava and researching cannibalism. Two things I have never done. However, I have a friend here in Bali, who is originally from Kalimantan and she can't say that her ancestors (maybe even gramps) weren't cannibals...

Being an expat is quite a different life...
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