"Choke Cherry Branch" 12x12 Acrylic on Canvas (Framed)

Unknown Saturday, October 8, 2011

Just a little over a month ago, my husband and I and two of our friends, went out on a day trip to the Sheep River Valley. We made several stops to admire the views and take some pictures. It was a nice warm sunny day and the Fall colors hadn't really started yet, everything was still green. As we all walked along the banks of the Sheep River, I came up to a cluster of Choke Cherry shrubs. I thought they were beautiful because I liked how the little red berries made a nice contrast against the green leaves. Naturally, I took a picture of it. A couple of weeks ago, I formed an art group which meets to paint together weekly in a rented Studio space.  Last Sunday was our first painting session as a group and as anxious as I was, I was having some difficulties deciding what to bring with me to paint for my first session. Earlier in the day, I noticed the picture I took of the Choke Cherry shrub among other photos, just lying off to the side on my drafting table all this time. I guess I had forgotten about it. I took it with me to the Studio. Sure glad I did, I think it turned out well. 

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