Early Fall Harvest 30x30 Acrylic on canvas

Unknown Friday, April 20, 2012

Autumn was just beginning in Southern Alberta last year when I snapped this photo while out for a country drive. I think it was the positions of the hay bales and the flow of the landscape that caught my eye, because as you followed the hay bales, your eyes moved on up to the Foothills and the Mountain beyond. I remember at the time that I thought this scene would make a nice painting and I always meant to paint it eventually.

A few weeks ago, I began reading a particular book about landscape painting. I decided to try out the advice given in the book and decided to paint this scene from my photo.  The canvas is large and it took me 2 full days ( of course, with breaks in between ) to paint it. I think the finished painting looks better up close than what it may look like on computer monitors, because its very colorful and realistic looking. I also toned the canvas before starting as the book suggested, and allowed bits of color to shine through the painting, which adds the vitality to it. I hope you can see that.  All in all, I'm very pleased with the results and now I look forward to my next project and trying more of the techniques offered from the book.
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