House Move

Unknown Monday, April 8, 2013

It's been a long time since my last post and it might well be another month or so until I can get a new painting posted on my blog.

If you're wondering where I've gone to, I've been busy getting ready to move. I've now sold my house and moving all my personal effects out this month. That means I won't be painting and posting because all my painting supplies are now packed in a dozen or so boxes. I'll be starting up a new studio space in my new home, which hopefully will be a better space than what I once had. Certainly, I won't have to deal with the problems that comes with painting over carpet, but rather I'll have a concrete floor, which I won't have to be so careful in future for any spillage that might occur.  I'm looking forward to the planning and challenges that's involved with a new space and hopefully, I'll discover new inspirations there.

Thanks so much to everyone visiting my blog, despite the fact that there hasn't been anything interesting to look at on my blog recently. As well, I appreciate my loyal friends for staying with my blog.
Once I'm well organized in my new space, I'm hoping to post photos. 

All the best and Keep you posted!

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